Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Patches finally reveal he is ill as well

Patches Colbert (As I said, Patches is very close to his mother, thats her next to him.)
Patches was the first born puppy he was pure pink and white when he came out the womb. He has the sweetest disposition and everyone loves and wants patches. He is so different from his brothers and sisters. He had a body full of white fluffy fur and fat and cute as every. To look at patches he seemed he didn't belong to the group of puppets. He is always in control and calm. He is non-confrontational and seem to draw people in. He is very close to his mother as he is today. I love to see Patches come home after an outing and walk up to his mother and kiss her. He sleeps next to her everyday and night. As he became older he started sleeping away from the rest of the family. He had lots of fur and seemed to get hot very easy. Then I figure out that it was because he had so much fur and overheated very quick. Each night he starts off by sleeping next to his mother, but shortly after falling asleep I see him jump off the bed and lie on the floor where its much cooler. He loves playing with his brothers and sisters and a lot of friends that comes over to play with them everyday. There is one secret that Patches has and that is he is afraid of height. 

During play time, all the puppies would get up under the sofa and pull apart  the bottom lining of the sofa. Patches is very caution with his life and never staid to far away from his mother. But that enough about Patches, let me tell you how I almost lost this very precious animal.

Tinkerbell my runt contracted canine parvovirus and it rapidly spread to the other three dogs. Gabby was the second dog to contract parvo, Baby G was the third dog and Bear was the fourth dog to contract parvo.  I must mention again that Bear became just as sick as his sister. I guess their systems are both weak. Now we are in the second week of Tinkerbell's illness and she is beginning to wag her tale, get up and work around, but she was still sick and weak. Then I noticed that Patches started sitting around and I immediately knew what to do. I started Patches on meds right away because I recognized the signs of parvo. I'm glad that I went through this experience because I can now recognize the symptoms and signs and stop the disease become it can take control over my dog's body.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Home Treatment

Large Needles


5ml Ampicillin 200mg   and 20 units Metoclopramide

Buprenor 0.3/ml/ml 

Larger Needles

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bear trys to hide his illness

Bear Colbert
This is bear and what can I say about him that will bring a smile to your face. Bear is 4th in the birth line. He is the smarted dog of all five puppies, and word cannot express how intelligent Bear is. If he were human, he would be consider highly intelligent. I cannot keep him locked down. He knows how to get out of any situation.  I have an iron gate that blocks the entry in and out of my backyard. The gate must be eight or nine feet tall.  When he first started getting out, he would just through the iron gate's gaps and when he wanted to come back in the yard, he would just jump back through the iron gate bars. All the other dogs watched, but could not figure out how he was doing what he was doing or either they were to afraid to leave the backyard. Whatever the case maybe, Bear knew how to get around and to any place he wanted to go. When he was finished with his outing, he would just jump back through the iron bars. Then I had about 4 feet of metal wire placed on the gate to close it off so he could not jump through.  So he just climbs over the fence.  At any rate, I could tell you lots of stories of Bear. For instant, I have two upstairs bedrooms upstairs that must be thirty to fifty feet high. On any warm day, I often open the window so that some cool air will blow in to cool off the room, but for Bear it's an opportunity to jump out of the window and go and play. So you can see what I'm dealing with when it comes to Bear, but I'll end here to speak on a disease that almost claimed his life.

Bear was just as sick as the other dogs by the time Gabby and Baby G got well, but he did not want me to know his was sick. So he kept going outside playing and I could clearly see something was wrong. He started slowing down, he need to rest more often and finally when he came in for the night he cruel up in a corner of the living room and had a very sad and painful look on his face. The every next morning Bear was down and I mean he was just as sick as his sister.

By now Tinker had been seriously ill for the past seven days. Within throughs seven days, Gabby and Baby G took ill as well but recovered within 2 days. Then by Thursday Bear took sick and I mean he became just as sick as Tinker. It took bear about 4 days to recover. That Sunday I notice patches started to show the same signs.  He was just sitting in a corner of the room curled up and I knew immediately what to do and started Patches on his meds because he began to show signs of having parvo.

I'm glad I started him on his med early because but he recovered in two days. Tinkerbell suffered so much and for so long that my friend and family kept asking me to put her down. But I felt she deserved to live and although she suffered the most and her moan sent chiles though my family heart and they could not stand to hear her cry out in pain, she is the reason her brother's and sister is alive today.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gabby - Standing By her Baby Sister

Gabby Colbert
Gabby is this beautiful Tan and White Jack Russell Mix, but she looks like a pure breed Jack Russell. Dogs are a lot like people, they each have their own individual personality.  Gabby is sexy, very feminine, feisty and a very protective big sister to her baby-sister Tinkerbell. When Tinkerbell first became ill, Gabby would get  into Tinkerbell's bed and sit with her day-in and day-out. She would even take Tinker food to eat, but of course Tinker wasn't  eating. At the time, Gabby knew that Tinker was seriously ill, but there was no way for her to tell me. She just kept coming about half way down the stairs and would bark at me then look up the stair where Tinker was,  then head back upstairs. Now, I realize she wanted me to come see about her sister.  The next day I watched as her mother walked up to Tinker and smelled her and walked away as to say there is nothing I can do. Her brothers did the same. But Gabby never left Tinker's side. The night before Tinker had to be placed in the hospital, she started throwing-up all night Gabby became restless and kept trying to get me to attend to Tinker, but I though Tinker had eaten something that just upset her stomach.  When I left to go to school the next day Tinker stayed under the bed and did not come out to say goodbye. When I got home, I was greeted by all the dogs except Tinker and Gabby. Tinker and Gabby stayed upstairs. Then Gabby came running down the stair and I could hear Tinkerbell making a  horrible moaning sounds. I rushed up the stairs to see Tinker lying in a parallel position on my backpack. I known from the sound she was make and the constance moving and trying to find a position to put her body in a position to relieve her pain, I that she was dying. After taking Tinker to the hospital, it was confirmed that she was suffering from canine parvovirus. Tinker has to stay over night at the hospital. That Sunday morning, Tinker, Gabby and Baby G all had to the hospital.                      

Gabby trying to get my attention